

意味もなく、またひとつ blog を開始した。

昨日、頭に浮かんだ 夢天芒洋 という言葉を形にしたかったから、それだけで。


しばらく探して、Carl Jung というページの the functions という項に辿りついた。

  • 論理 = thinking
  • 直観 = intuiting
  • 感情 = feeling
  • 感覚 = sensing

The first is sensing. Sensing means what it says: getting information by means of the senses. A sensing person is good at looking and listening and generally getting to know the world. Jung called this one of the irrational functions, meaning that it involved perception rather than judging of information.

The second is thinking. Thinking means evaluating information or ideas rationally, logically. Jung called this a rational function, meaning that it involves decision making or judging, rather than simple intake of information.

The third is intuiting. Intuiting is a kind of perception that works outside of the usual conscious processes. It is irrational or perceptual, like sensing, but comes from the complex integration of large amounts of information, rather than simple seeing or hearing. Jung said it was like seeing around corners.

The fourth is feeling. Feeling, like thinking, is a matter of evaluating information, this time by weighing one's overall, emotional response. Jung calls it rational, obviously not in the usual sense of the word.
